When Does Everything at a F500 Company Grind to a Halt? (May 2022)
We don’t talk much about SAP Batch Jobs, but from my 4 years at Redwood Software, I can guarantee you when SAP Batch jobs don’t land as required, everything comes to a dead stop. If you work in this area you know what I am talking about.
While many organizations monitor their critical batch job status using Solution Manager and other applications with lots of limitations, here are some of the failure types that only RHONDOS & PowerConnect can monitor:
- Real-time job monitoring and alerting for start delays, job failures, running long, max amount since the average, and running less time than average runtime
- Critical jobs log errors [ex. Order-to-Cash]
- Batch chains, child jobs and dependent jobs in single or multiple SAP systems
- Unauthorized ad-hoc job schedules by dialog users
- Batch job spool errors
- Statistical reports with multiple KPIs
...and the list goes on and on.
Author: Brant Hubbard